Search Results

We would have a nice sort up on 45 hd of these 3 and 4 yr old, Blk, Blk brockels that are bred to Simm/Angus bulls to calve April 1st for 45 days. They have had the Virashield 6 VL5 HB, Multimin 90 and Dectomax Injectable. Seller will repreg prior to shipping. Young cows are getting mighty hard to find folks.


All 3-4 yr olds-Bred Simm/Angus- Calve April 1st 45 days!
Total Hd: 45
Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy
Cattle Age: 3;4
Calving Date: 4/1/2025-5/15/2025
Bull Info: Simm/Angus
Cow Weight: 1250-1300
Home Raised: No
Disposition: Gentle
Program: Virashield 6 VL5 HB, Multimin 90 and Dectomax Injectable

You like your cows big and thick, you like em’ Blks and Baldies, you like em’ bred Black Angus- check these out!
1350-1500# bred 3-5 yr olds, grazing out on cornstalks, all bred to Blk bulls to calve March 20th for 70 days. They leave the ranch with a fresh preg check and are guaranteed bred. For shots they have had the Virashield 6 VL5 and have been poured.


BIG and THICK- 3-5 yr olds- Calve March 20th!
Total Hd: 120
Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy
Cattle Age: 3;4;5
Calving Date: 3/20/2025-5/30/2025
Bull Info: Blk Angus
Cow Weight: 1350-1500
Home Raised: No
Disposition: Gentle
Program: Virashield 6 VL5, poured

These young cows are predominantly 3-4 yr olds with some 5’s in the mix, easy handling and in good flesh, bred back to Currant Creek Angus bulls to calve March 20th for 70 days, they have had Virashield 6 VL5 and leave the ranch guaranteed bred. Current calf values have some of these young bred cows looking pretty affordable. Study these girls out a little.


Young and Gentle- Blks/Baldies-Calve March 20th!
Total Hd: 76
Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy
Cattle Age: 3;4;5
Calving Date: 3/20/2025-5/30/2025
Bull Info: Currant Creek Angus
Cow Weight: 1200-1300
Home Raised: No
Disposition: Gentle
Program: Virashield 6 VL5

Are you starting a cow herd or need to add some but do not want the put togethers cows?
Nice group from 3 yr olds to short term cows that are either home raised or bought as calves, all raised a baby this year and are now bred back to Black Angus bulls and will calve April 9th for just 21 days. We have 15 coming 3’s, 6-4’s, 8-5’s, 8-6’s, 4-7’s and just 3 hd from 8-10. Cows were ultrasound tested Nov. 7th, calves can be weaned anytime and this sweet group can be yours. Cows did get the Virashield 6 VL5.


Dispersion Sale- Mix Age- Calve April 9th for just 21 days
Total Hd: 44
Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy
Cattle Age: 3 yr old – Broken
Calving Date: 4/9/2025-4/30/2025
Bull Info: Blk Angus
Cow Weight: 1050-1300
Home Raised: Yes
Disposition: Very Gentle
Program: Virashield 6 VL5

If you got some extra feed this package right here can work. The girls are all fresh pregged and marked into calving cycle, are bred to Sinclair Angus bulls and will calve April 1st for 60 days( most calve in 1st 2 cycles) They are cake broke, have had the Reprostar VL5 HB, and poured. Calves were weaned off a couple weeks ago. At 1300-1350# and some length to them they got room to be bigger, plus the calf in the hopper. I THINK I WOULD!


2 loads Short term Bred cows- Calve April 1st!
Total Hd: 65
Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy
Cattle Age: Short Term
Calving Date: 4/1/2025-5/30/2025
Bull Info: Sinclair Black Angus
Cow Weight: 1300-1350
Home Raised: No
Disposition: Very Gentle
Program: Reprostar VL5 HB, poured

Right here is how ya grow a cow herd that will move you to the top. This set of predominantly home raised, 1 iron set consists of 5 hd of 4 yr olds, 20-5’s and 15 hd of 6’s. They have been Ai’d to calve March 12th 1st cycle then cleaned up for 60 days with Power Genetics Angus bulls. Lots of years of Ai’ing genetics on the ranch, full spring and fall vaccinations, the cows graze corn stalks and are hot wire broke and have been worked on horseback, ATV and on foot.


4-6 yr old Dispersion- Ai’d to calve March 12th- Predominantly home raised!
Total Hd: 40
Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy
Cattle Age: 4;5;6
Calving Date: 3/12/2025-5/12/2025
Bull Info: Power Genetics Blk Angus
Cow Weight: 1375-1400
Home Raised: Yes
Disposition: Very Gentle
Program: Spring & Fall

A standout set of 20 home-raised Red Angus cows, bred to Red Angus bulls. This group consists of 7 three-year-olds, 8 four-year-olds, and 5 five-year-olds, weighing between 1,050 and 1,150 pounds.

Super gentle and well-handled, these cows are electric-fence broke and have a proven track record as exceptional producers. Their previous offspring averaged an impressive 600 pounds by December. This group is set to calve from March 14th through April 30th, making them an ideal addition to your operation.

Don’t miss this opportunity to bring high-quality genetics and consistent performance to your herd.


All home raised- Solid Red Angus-Bred Red Angus- Calve March 14th!
Total Hd: 20
Cattle Breed: Red Angus
Cattle Age: 3;4;5
Calving Date: 3/14/2025-4/30/2025
Bull Info: Norby Registered Red Angus
Cow Weight: 1050-1150
Home Raised: Yes
Disposition: Very Gentle
Program: Virashield 6 VL5, Ivermax and Cleanup

WOW- Every one a coming 3 yr old, everyone raised a baby this year and listen to this- Bred to calve March 1st for just 21 days. You want the good ones? Well I would say these are the fertile girls of the bunch and the front end. Bred to 5/8 Angus, 3/8 Simm/Angus bulls out of Cow Camp of Kansas. The girls weigh in around 1200# now, just getting some hay and winter feed ration. Many of these were purchased as bred heifers through our platform and coming off some reputation northern ranches.


All coming 3’s,- Calve March 1st just 21 days!
Total Hd: 271
Cattle Breed: Black Baldy;Black Angus
Cattle Age: 3
Calving Date: 3/1/2025-3/22/2025
Bull Info: 5/8 Angus and 3/8 Simm/Angus
Cow Weight: 1200
Home Raised: No
Disposition: Gentle
Program: Virashield 6 VL5, poured

OH BOY, you better listen up! These are rare, all coming 4 yr olds, home-raised, and 1 iron! There will be a couple of baldies in this group.
These girls will calve in that beautiful April weather for just 21 days ( April 15th for 21 days)! They got them good Ohlde genetics, and have had them for years. These moderate-framed girls are ready to work, in any environment! They got a body score of 4.5-5 and a frame score of 4-4.5. With Ohlde and and Diamond D bulls, they will have some good healthy calves, and these girls will be wonderful mothers. They have quite the mineral program, with Garlic salt and a custom mineral program for the Helmville area. These girls need to run at an elevation between 4500-6000, but WOW are they a good set! They will re-preg before they ship!


100 head – Home Raised – 1 iron – All coming 4’s- with fantastic genetics!
Total Hd: 100
Cattle Breed: Black Angus;Black Baldy
Cattle Age: 4
Calving Date: 4/15/2025-5/7/2025
Bull Info: Ohlde & Diamond D bulls
Cow Weight: 1100-1150
Home Raised: Yes
Disposition: Gentle
Program: Vision 8 Somus – Pink eye D wormed

MY GOODNESS, This is a money-maker! Here’s a rare opportunity to add 100 head of registered Black Angus cows to your operation. The average for bull calves from last year out of these cows sold for an average of $6157 on Jan 18, talk about an opportunity to make some serious cash! Located in Sargent, NE, these home-raised, 1-iron cows are as good as they come. They’re gentle and carry a body condition score of 5+, reflecting the care they’ve received. This group ranges from 3-year-olds to solid-mouth cows and comes AI’d to calve for 10 days to the outstanding sire’s Basin Jamison and Mar Man in Black. They’ve been cleaned up to calve for 60 days with Connealy, Musgrave, and Poss Angus bulls, ensuring a powerful genetic package. To sweeten the deal, the seller covers DNA testing for the first calf crop. These cows are a true testament to quality genetics and top-tier management, making them a perfect addition to your herd.

Here is the age breakdown for these 100 head- 

33 – 3 year olds

20 – 4 year olds

12 – 5 year olds

10 – 6 year olds           

11 – 7 year olds

14 – solid mouths

Registered Black Angus Cattle – calve March 25!
Total Hd: 100
Cattle Breed: Black Angus
Cattle Age: 3 to solids
Calving Date: 3/25/2025-7/7/2025
Bull Info: Ai sires – Basin Jamison, Mar Man in black
Cow Weight: 1250
Home Raised: Yes
Disposition: Very Gentle
Program: Safe Guard at preg check
Located near Sargent, NE
Buy Now For $5075/hd
Don’t need the whole group? Call us about buying load lots!