
Located Near Buffalo, Wy

Cow Pairs, Pairs

Buy Now For $3650/hd
1250# 10-12 yr old pairs!

These girls have some really nice flesh and will raise some beautiful calves. They are 10-12 years old, with just a couple of 12-year-olds in the group. There will be close to 50 head. These girls have been running on the big green flats in the summer for about 8 years and always raise beautiful calves. For the last 3 years, the steer calves have weighed 570 – 600 lbs and the heifers 560 – 585 lbs in the fall. Not a cow in this group has a short tail or bad feet. You’re getting some nice and super gentle pairs! They have all had the Cattle Master and Stay Bred shots, and they were poured in the fall. The seller will tag the calf to match it’s mother.
Take delivery of them May 1 through the 10th. Contract now with 20% down and the remaining when they ship!

Total Hd


Cattle Age

Short Term

Cattle Breed

Black Angus;Black Baldy

Calving Date


Bull Info

Green Moutain & Paint Rock Angus Black Bulls, Largent Hereford Bulls.


Very Gentle

Home Raised


Cow Weight
